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턱관절 통증이 있다면 아시죠?
턱관절은 바로 오복만세치과입니다!
오늘은 통증의학과에서 턱관절 주사후에도
낫지 않아
오복만세치과에서 한번의 주사치료로
치료가 끝난 턱관절 치료사례를
살펴보도록 하겠습니다.
#CaseNo240021 통증의학과에서 턱관절 치료후에도 아파서 왔어요
오른쪽 턱관절이 벌릴 때.
가만히 있을 때.
다물고 있을 때 아파요.
무리해서 벌리면
다물때도 잘 안 벌어져요.
아픈지 3주정도 됐어요.
엊그제는 틀어져서 닫히는 느낌이라
억지로 턱을 닫았어요.
이렇게 아픈 건 처음이에요.
통증의학과에서 주사를 한번 맞았어요.
씹을때가 불편하고,
입 벌리는것도 아프고,
입을 벌린 상태에서 닫게 되면
그때 턱에서 통증이 있어요.
통증의학과에는 저번주 월요일에
오른쪽 얼굴에 주사를 맞았어요.
인대나 관절염이라고 이야기 들었고
얼굴에 주사를 맞았는데
아픈건 그대로에요.
턱은 오른쪽만 아파요.
왼쪽은 아픈적은 없어요.
턱관절에 문제가 있는 분들은
턱관절 근육을 적절하게 풀어주고
턱교정을 하게 되면
매우 빠르게 회복되는 특징이 있습니다.
턱관절 통증이 있다면 아시죠?
턱관절은 바로 오복만세치과!
Hi there! This is Obokmanse Dental Clinic.
You know where to go if you have temporomandibular joint pain, right? It's Obokmanse Dental Clinic! Today, let's take a look at a case where even after receiving temporomandibular joint injections at a pain medicine department, the pain didn't improve, and the treatment was completed with just one injection therapy at Obokmanse Dental Clinic.
#CaseNo240021 Still in Pain After Temporomandibular Joint Injection at the Pain Medicine Department
My right temporomandibular joint hurts when I open my mouth, even when I'm at rest, and when I'm chewing. If I force it open, it's difficult to close properly afterward. It's been about three weeks since the pain started. Just the other day, it felt like it was out of alignment, so I forcibly closed my jaw. This is the first time I've experienced this level of pain. I received an injection at the pain medicine department.
Chewing is uncomfortable, and it hurts when I open my mouth. If I open it and then close it, there's pain in the temporomandibular joint. Last Monday, I received an injection on the right side of my face at the pain medicine department. They mentioned something about ligaments or joint inflammation, but despite the facial injection, the pain remains the same.
The pain is only on the right side of my temporomandibular joint. The left side has never been painful.
For patients with temporomandibular joint issues,
appropriate relaxation of the temporomandibular joint muscles
and jaw correction can lead to rapid recovery.
You know where to go if you have temporomandibular joint pain, right? It's Obokmanse Dental Clinic!