안녕하세요! 오복만세입니다.
턱관절 통증이 있다면 아시죠?
턱관절은 바로 구로디지털단지 오복만세치과입니다!
오늘은 첫번재 턱관절 치료 후
4개월 후 턱관절 통증이 재발된 환자의
턱관절 치료성공을
살펴보도록 하겠습니다.
#CaseNo230067 턱이 다시 빠진 것 같아요
입이 잘 안벌어져요
턱이 다시 빠진 것 같아요
치과 오기 전에 피부과에서 보톡스 맞았어요
피부과에서 보톡스를 맞은 후
턱관절 통증과 불편감을 호소하는 경우가
상당히 많은것을 경험하고 있습니다.
대부분의 턱관절 환자분들은
턱관절 근육을 적절하게 풀어주고
턱교정을 하게 되면
매우 빠르게 회복되는 특징이 있습니다.
비수술 주사치료를 포함하여
단 한번의 치료를 시행하였고
환자분의 턱 통증이 사라진것을 확인 후
턱관절 치료를 종료하였습니다.
턱관절 통증이 있다면 아시죠?
턱관절은 바로
대한민국 서울 구로디지털단지
Hello! This is Obokmanse Dental Clinic.
You know about temporomandibular joint pain, right?
That's where Obokmanse Dental Clinic in Guro Digital Complex comes in!
Today, let's take a look at a successful treatment of temporomandibular joint pain in a patient who experienced a recurrence four months after the initial treatment.
#CaseNo230067 Feels like my jaw has slipped again
My mouth doesn't open well.
It feels like my jaw has slipped again.
Before coming to the dentist, I had Botox injections at a dermatology clinic.
It's quite common for people who have had Botox injections at dermatology clinics to complain of temporomandibular joint pain and discomfort afterward.
For most temporomandibular joint patients,
when the temporomandibular joint muscles are appropriately loosened
and temporomandibular joint alignment is corrected,
they recover very quickly.
At Obokmanse Dental Clinic,
we performed treatment just once,
including non-surgical injection therapy.
After confirming that the patient's temporomandibular joint pain had disappeared,
we concluded the temporomandibular joint treatment.
You know about temporomandibular joint pain, right?
Temporomandibular joint treatment is right here
at Obokmanse Dental Clinic in Guro Digital Complex, Seoul, South Korea!