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1주일 전부터 아프기 시작해서 계속 아파요.
환자분은 2023년 8월 이후 3개월 간격인 2023년 11월과 2024년 2월에 턱관절 통증이 재발하였습니다.
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Splint treatment for recurring TMJ pain
Hey there! This is Obokmanse Dental Clinic.
If you've got TMJ pain, you know what I'm talking about, right?
For TMJ issues, it's all about Obokmanse Dental Clinic!
Today, we're going to look at a success story of a patient whose TMJ pain kept coming back every 3 months.
"My right TMJ hurts again, just like last time.
It doesn't hurt when I open my mouth wide, but it's uncomfortable after lunch and it hurts when I eat dinner. My upper and lower teeth don't line up right, but they do when I wake up in the morning.
It started hurting a week ago and hasn't stopped.
This patient had TMJ pain come back in August 2023, and again in November 2023 and February 2024, every 3 months.
When TMJ pain comes back so quickly, we need to use a TMJ device, an intraoral device, or a TMJ splint."
Most TMJ patients recover very quickly once the jaw muscles are properly relaxed and the jaw is corrected.
At Obokmanse Dental Clinic, we performed a total of 5 TMJ treatment sessions.
After treatment, the pain was gone. To prevent the pain from coming back, we used a TMJ device, an intraoral device, and a TMJ splint. We then finished the TMJ treatment.
Got TMJ pain? You know where to go!
For TMJ issues, it's all about Obokmanse Dental Clinic!